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Mining machinery UNEX
Unex company has more than sixty years of experience in the design and development of bucket-wheel excavators. The company has produced nearly 130 bucket-wheel excavators and loading machinery since it´s establishment. Many of these machines are in continuous operation, which also requires a permanent preparedness of maintenance and service staff.
And just ND LOR cooperates with Unex in the field of service of these mining machines. We mainly focus on customers from Eastern Europe. We provide repairs and reconstructions in the extent according to the individual order of the customer. The partnership of ND LOR and Unex enables the deployment of a larger team of qualified servicemen and the usage of the experiences of both companies.
Bucket-wheel excavators and mining machinery
Mining machinery product album UNEX - RU - brochure PDF
Bucket-wheel excavators and loaders UNEX - RU - brochure PDF
Bucket-wheel excavators and loaders UNEX v2 - RU - brochure PDF
Je jasné, že rypadlem celý proces těžby teprve začíná. Proto zákazníkům nabízíme pomoc s pořízením veškerých dalších zařízení pro dobívací činnost. Ať už se jedná o drtiče, třídiče, dopravníkové pásy nebo například vrtací zařízení. To vše přizpůsobíme na míru vašim specifickým podmínkám pro dosažení nejvyšší prokutivity.
Společnost Simex spolupracuje s osvědčenými jmény v tomto oboru. Jedná se například o strojní zařízení z produkce společnosti PSP Machinery, Resta, Keestrack a další. Neváhejte nás kontaktovat.
ATLAS construction machinery
Simex is also an official dealer of the German manufacturer of construction machinery - ATLAS GmbH. The offer includes a complete range of ATLAS Group machines, including the Kaelble and Schaeff brands, which also belong to this group. ATLAS offers tracked and wheeled excavators - including rail-road models, loaders, material handlers, crane equipment and special mining machinery. It is also possible to customize the machine according to the customer of course.
ATLAS Product Album.pdf

ATLAS offer tracked and wheeled models from 14 to 22 tonnes. There are also two types of rail-road excavators with a weight 17 and 23 tons - those types are also souitable for various railway regulations of many states. Completely special part of store are the models for tunneling. ATLAS excavators are a highly proven helper of German production.
ATLAS Wheeled Excavators.pdf
ATLAS Crawler Excavators.pdf
ATLAS Rail-road Excavators.pdf
Loaders and Material handlers

ATLAS material handlers include mobile industrial machines from 16 to 36 tonnes, which work on applications such as scrap, wood, bulky goods and, special recycling. These machines can work with a wide range of tools from polyp grabs to magnets. The traditional ATLAS Heavy Wheeled Loaders include four models from 9 to 18 tonnes.
ATLAS Material Handlers.pdf
ATLAS Heavy Wheel Loaders.pdf

ATLAS company offers about hundred types of cranes in a wide variety of configurations, so everyone can choose. Lifting capacity range is from 1 to 13 tons and maximum reach is up to the 22 meters. There are also specialized cranes for manipulation with scrap or other recycled material. Cranes can be equipped with a wide range of work tools. ATLAS Cranes.pdf
ATLAS spare parts and servis
We provide complete service for all construction machines manufactured by ATLAS Group. We offer a team of experienced servicemen who are ready to help immediately. We highlight the fast solution of the problem in order to minimize customer losses from suspended mining.
ATLAS Group guarantees the delivery of spare parts the next day (when ordering till 5pm) directly from German warehouses. We also provide machinery and operator training except warranty and post-warranty service.